Monday, November 9, 2009


Greetings from Perth, been shipped out for the next couple of weeks will be back at the end of the month. Never one to enjoy the absense of a bike on holiday's, I've taken my second most prized possesion with me, investing in a hard case.
Any one interseted in borrowing the hard case - email me and we can organise a rental.
Enough with that crap - Perth is a cyling mecka. Cyclists are every where you go!! Sat Morn was nuts, massive groups of riders all over the joint! the groups are organised and flying. Plenty of viser crews though. That reminds me check out this blog on cycling tips (best blog site ever - yes better than BG).

The river has the largest cylcle network circling it and the extensive HWY networks and cycle paths, make for good riding. Climbed the largest hill in Perth - toke 59 sec in the big ring!! - no hills in Perth - takes about a 30km ride out to the west to find any.

Lessons for other capital cities - extensive one way road networks suck, even by bike!!!!!

Perth's cyclists are guns on the flat, rode in a club training ride with the south perth rouleurs who were real good sports and welcomed me with ou hesitation. Ride was about 30 - 40 strong taking up a lane of the HWY through town, sliting into fast and slow groups. The pace was nuts and didn't help that found my self in the break away of about 6 men off the front of the fast group! Compounding issues is the fact that if i dropped off i had no idea where i was and had no oreintation! See map for the ride i did, was hard yards. Was on the rivet for the last 30km and was in dificullties a couple of times gettign back on board. - nice guys and girls and well organised! See photos on Flickr Set

Rode an easier ride Sun morning with Dirk from the Perth HASSELL office showing me the common perth loop around the river, which was awesome of him. Real nice views and pretty much no traffic to worry about. This is like the military rode route with lots of cyclists and groups.

Will keep you posted, and hope your all keeping the hammer down in my absense! - FS